Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I'm so glad to get to do this review.

Every now and then, you know you're in the 'right place, at the right time' and getting to just tell a few others that love great music about the next 'big thing' in soulful singers is a privilege I don't take lightly. LYNNE FIDDMONT has produced, engineered and written an incredible release in FLOW on MidLife Records. To attempt to describe it is to immediately do it an injustice. It's an aural experience that literally borders on a spiritual awakening. You'll first experience the sheer joy of HOLIDAY, a tune that could easily become an anthem on jazz and R&B stations alike. It's light and easy and full of wonder and sang with such passion, you just want to get up from your desk and literally take a holiday. But where most CD's fail to deliver on the followup tunes after auspicious openings, this outing continues to build, one on top of the other until we are left breathless from the enormity of talent that is Lynne Fiddmont. Her voice isn't filled with tricks nor does she attempt to outshine her arrangements, she's comfortable being subtle, and part of the whole. She's reminiscent of all the great vocalists in that you know she's a true musician, studying the craft of tone, placement and timing. Every tune is a stand out for various reasons, but heed the advice of the title tune FLOW, that reminds us to simply get in the go.., and live this life that we have, as opposed to the one we wish we had. Ending with her passionate reading of NO REGRETS, you can understand that the tune as it's arranged is meant to show you her depth of skill as vocalist, but do pay attention to the lyrics of this song as she tells us exactly the kind of woman she's become in this new chapter of her life and career. Having sang and performed with so many of the legendary artists of this recent era, she dedicates FLOW to the memory of the late Carl Anderson, her mentor and friend. She says that he's responsible for encouraging her that she, too, might have something special to share. In the world of understatements, this one is supreme.

Experience FLOW, and watch it elevate you in ways only great music can. If you happen to be in the L.A. area, there's a listening party and concert, tonight, July 11th at 8pm at the Aura Nightclub in Studio City. It's also a night that will honor Breast Cancer Survivors. Visit her BLOG to learn more about the details.

~Brother EDEN Douglas

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