Friday, July 14, 2006


R e B I R T H D A Y S

When a baby is born, entering this world of challenges and disappointments, a parent has the auspicious duty to guide and to protect this growing child from a number of real and imagined obstacles. As they guide and protect, they're also in charge of teaching those same skills of survival they've learned from their parents. Imagine, now, you own rate of growth and how so many of those early lessons learned, you discover in adulthood, were taught out of fear.., not Faith, and frustration, ...not Love. We are quick to forgive them, saying things like they 'did the best they could' while secretly despising them for not knowing how to give us more of what we needed, then what they never got as a child. As a child matures, we mark the momentous occasions with religious fervor... "she got her teeth at four months!! I could no longer breast feed..." "He pulled up on his own at six months, but her baby was already walking by then..." And so it goes, always amazed at the quickness of mastering a new skill set, while disappointed that somehow we weren't doing our best work in comparison to another's growth. When an infant arrives at that magical moment of their first year's birthday.., we take stock of the journey and celebrate a year's worth of accomplishments with reckless abandon.

Why is it, then, that we fail to carry on this tradition of growth as adults? Instead, we appear to live a full year in denial of our actual 'growth' and so when the day of the celebration appears and NOW you can really know what it means to be 25 (remember, you weren't born at 1 year old, you were 'rewarded' that level after a year's growth), we spend all our time 'wishing' we were still 24, and what should be a joyous graduation to that 25th level of life, we begin a pattern of denial, lies and deception and we set up this strange dance with the universe, wanting, wishing and praying for the wisdom of Solomon, as long as we can remain 22. Absolutely, insanity.

So, with that said, on Sunday the 16th of July, I'll proudly celebrate the level of 49 years in existence and I've had so many incredible insights and moments of growth this year in particular! Many of those reading this blog, I didn't even know, this time, last year, so I'm particularly blessed for those that are 'new' to my journey. I've been given the rare honor of truly becoming a spiritual big brother to a few of you and you know that I don't take my role lightly and I love my little brothers deeply and sincerely and plan to remain healthy and of a sound mind in order to see you all mature. That's a promise, and a few of you have been secretly worried for me, I know, for it's no real secret that at times, 'tho I love the journey, I've hated the terrain I've had to travel and on more than a few occasions, considered prematurely taking some permanent detours. But your love and support continues to keep me safe and focused and I'm grateful for each and everyone that's stood vigil at those critical pit stops.

As I prepare now, for the road to 50, I can honestly say, I anticipate this leg of the journey as being my most significant, yet. The stage has been set, now, for a most incredible experience.

I've got a feeling that very soon, we'll all RISE up to the level of our callings as this is my perennial wish for each and every one I communicate with is for you to see your real and honest growth and to celebrate it, with reckless abandon!

Stay Tuned...


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