Friday, December 20, 2013


"This is my commitment.., to live up to the Spirit that is in me."

Many will read that statement and erroneously believe that they and their Spirits are one and the same.., connected at the cognitive level. But I ask, were you not guided by SPIRIT long before you were aware?
If so, when did you merge and become ONE?
As we age, we become vain in our thinking, in our belief that WE are in sole control of our lives.., our destiny. We speak all too often for the SPIRIT in us, reducing those directives to things we can 'understand' or 'accept'. 

Our LIVES can be better if we simply re-commitment to LIVE UP TO THE SPIRIT THAT IS IN US.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

BrotherEDEN on PEACE ...

BrotherEDEN on PEACE ...

So, you might have noticed the writings on Peace of late.

I'm not sure when the idea started, but I'm certain of it's evolution. I wish, not for the sake of vanity but for clarity, I had a video representation of my journey. I know we've become a visual culture with the attention span of sound bites rather than the unfolding of novels that most lives represent. So I wish I could show you my journey. From darkness to LIGHT, poverty of soul and riches, homelessness in pursuit of a dream, love unrequited and unfulfilled, lessons taught from the pit, reinforcement given to selfish and self-centered wanderers who left fuller than they came while I remained the same.., yes, the visual would have to be sufficient because there's no way I could tell it all.

The thoughts I've been writing on Peace about Peace come after years of never fully having it as a sustained presence.., only the illusion of it, while I isolated myself from even from the idea of a challenge to my self-imposed Peace, where only I aged inside my bubble, while I shared about a life lived, but recognized daily, that it was a life unfinished. What's next? I haven't a clue. I'm not engaged in anyone's life completely. I can't say for certain where I'm needed.., if I'm needed.., or what's left for me to truly do.., that's engaging enough to draw me out and into the chaos, again. I don't think it can possibly be a 'thing' that would be able to do that, anyway, being a man moved more by relationship than opportunity.

But here I sit.., and type, wishing I could share the images in my head rather than, at times, only the words of my heart.
But for now.., the Heart will have to do.

PEACE. May it find us all, at the right moment, in time.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

The FIRST DAY of 2013

How long does it take for someone to truly know themselves? Especially if they've changed directions, cities, friendships,, all their life? At each juncture, the definitions change.., alter, 'till the line is blurred between what's real and what's potentially possible. I know this to BE true. I've lived in this transition, all of my adult life.
I've been in the desert of New Mexico, now, six years this March. And, with the exception of living in the NYC area from '94 till '06, this is the longest I've lived at a singular address since leaving home for college in '75. I haven't been in any location, ever, longer than five years, 'till now. You would think that after living such a nomadic life, that this would be the moment of most clarity. You would think that, wouldn't you? But duration hasn't produced any more enlightenment than the pursuits and transitions.
Perhaps what I'm seeking, searching for, is beyond this realm.., and not found in careers, friends, family..., or the desert. Seems to me, it's time to consider that what has kept me from knowing the WHY of my existence, is..., well..., ME.
I can continue to wax philosophically about this forever.., or choose to give in and become silent to this ever beckoning call and attempt, once and for all, to live life normally, as so many seem to do quite successfully. But after a lifetime of searching, which choice is truly ME?
I need to answer this question.., SOON.
My LIFE depends on it.