Tuesday, November 21, 2006


The cornucopia (Latin Cornu Copiae), also known as the Horn of Plenty or Harvest Cone, is a symbol of food and plenty dating back to the 5th century BC.

In Greek mythology, Amalthea raised Zeus on the milk of a goat. In return Zeus gave Amalthea the goat's horn. It had the power to give to the person in possession of it whatever he or she wished for. This gave rise to the legend of the cornucopia. The original depictions were of the goat's horn filled with fruits and flowers: deities, especially Fortuna, would be depicted with the horn of plenty.

In modern depiction, the cornucopia is a hollow, horn-shaped wicker basket typically filled with various kinds of festive fruit and vegetables. The cornucopia has come to be associated with Thanksgiving.

Webster's dictionary also defines Cornucopia as "an overflowing store; an abundance".


Lately, I've been meditating on what it means to be a BLESSING. Having recently been the recipient of many blessings from so many for reasons beyond my personal requests or expectations, I've been wondering if I have, in turn, been a Blessing to others in equal or greater measure? Not in the way of comparisons, mind you, but in direct measure to how much I am 'able and capable' of being, as oppose to what's 'easy and simple and less stressful'. Often throughout this year, I've caught myself complaining about one thing or the other. Seemingly in my 'honest assessment' of the situations I openly disccussed, I've behaved as if I had a God-given right to voice my opinion about the honest efforts of another. How foolish I've been, passing judgement on another child of God efforts!! I'm convicted to the point of apology to any that I've offended or challenged in ways that were unnecessary or unwelcomed, as I made my way in and out of others soul-work with my callous examinations of their efforts. As I continue to learn what it really means to be a BLESSING to others, I'm given to also note that if we are, first, a BLESSING to ourselves, we will have the ability and capacity to really BLESS another, coming from a full and whole heart, as oppose to attempting to fill those fractured places in our own hearts with vainty blessings to another. I've come to realize that often things are done for others that make 'us' feel good and rarely are truly from the intention of meeting another's 'true' needs.


Something promoting or contributing to happiness, well-being, or prosperity.

Just note the use of the words, promoting and contributing, in that definition. All acts of 'giving', not receiving.

My prayer for myself, this THANKSgiving, is to become a Living Cornucopia... being filled to overflowing with Grace, Love, Kindness, Peace, Generousity, Mercy, Compassion... and to share those true Fruits of The Spirit with all that I come into the presence of...

Help me Lord, to Be a Blessing more than I pray to BeBlessed, in the remainder of this year and the years to come. Amen.

THANK You ALL of you talented souls for all that you are and will become.

I'm honored to share in just a little of those journeys in word and deed and I BLESS you, one and all.

PEACE, Dear Friends.

`E D E N

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