Tuesday, November 07, 2006


The Value of Hard Places
by Os Hillman, November 7, 2006

So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you. - 2 Corinthians 4:12

Being forced into hard places gives us a whole new perspective on life. Things we once valued no longer hold the same value. Small things become big things, and what we once thought big no longer holds such importance.

These hard places allow us to identify with the sufferings of others. It keeps us from having a shallow view of the hardships of others and allows us to truly identify with them. Those who speak of such trials from no experience often judge others who have had such hardship. It is a superficiality of Christian experience that often permeates shallow believers.

Those who have walked in hard places immediately have a kinship with others who have walked there also. They do not need to explain; they merely look at one another with mutual respect and admiration for their common experience. They know that death has worked a special thing in them. This death leads to life in others because of the hard places God has taken them through.

It is impossible to appreciate any valley experience while you are in it. However, once you have reached the top of the mountain, you are able to appreciate what terrain you have passed through. You marvel at what you were able to walk through. The valley of the shadow of death has yielded more than you ever thought possible. You are able to appreciate the beauty of the experience and lay aside the sorrow and pain it may have produced.

Death works in you for a greater purpose.

If you are there today, be assured that God is producing something of much greater value than you will ever know.


My journey in Taos, New Mexico and The Greater World Earthship Community is nearing an end...

I wish I could tell you in vivid detail all that I've learned, but most of it is far too personal. Suffice it all to say, I did come to a greater understanding of what my 'perceived' fears are, and how they have been orchestrating all that I've requested of them for many years now. They've done an excellent job providing me with excuses for being less than courageous on many fronts and overly aggressive on others. I understand that I've been the warden of my private hell all along, as I suspected but wasn't quite ready to spring me from those 'tight places' that I'd grown so accustomed to. I know that I have talents and gifts that are certainly capable of feeding any vision that I can conceive. The journey for me, this time around, is to take my time, building yet another monument unto myself. This time around, I want to know I'm pleasing my Heavenly Father. In order to fully do that, however, I have to KNOW HIM.., not assume His Character, or His Desires.., but to really stay still long enough to fully comprehend all I feel 'called' to accomplish. I'll write more upon my return, as this journey is still in full swing. I just mainly wanted to stop by today and acknowledge the love and support I've been given from so many 'strangers' and 'friends' alike. Thank you for listening to the music, and reading these blogs.., and for being supportive in your comments.

I read them and receive them, one and all.


'E D E N

In becoming an enlightened being, this does not destroy the living being, or take it away, or lose it; nevertheless, it does mean having shed it.

Dogen, "Rational Zen"

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